There are many benefits of yoga and meditation during pregnancy. Yoga and meditation help in maintaining positivity and peace of mind. As well as maintaining balance during pregnancy. Yoga is a relaxing exercise to stay in shape and connect with the baby during pregnancy. It is suitable for everyone.
Yoga that Helps Women During Pregnancy
All yoga postures involve breathing. There are some simple postures to be done during pregnancy, but still very beneficial. Sukhasana, Balasana, Vrikshasana, Baddhakonasana, Vajrasana and other postures are capable of reducing any kind of pain and discomfort during pregnancy. You can practice these 5 yoga postures mentioned below during pregnancy:
1. Baddha Konasana

To do Baddha Konasana during pregnancy, start with Dandasana. This asana should also be done by pregnant women, it has many benefits. To do Baddha Konasana, sit with legs spread straight in front. Now bend the feet from the knees and join the soles together. Lift your heels up towards the pelvis. Lift the legs slightly upwards from both sides. Remain in this position for 10 to 15 seconds. You can also do this asana more than three times. This asana is beneficial for strengthening the pelvic part. It also helps in normal delivery.
2. Balasana

Lay a mat. Sit on it by kneeling. Now sit on your heels by spreading the knees at a comfortable distance. While breathing slowly, raise both hands above the head, now exhale. Now place the palms on the ground and bend the upper part of the body forward. Place the pelvic region in a comfortable position on your ankles. Keep the back straight. You can place a pillow or blanket under the knees for comfort and support.
3. Samasthiti

In Samasthiti, you stand straight. Hands should be at your side and feet together. Stand without moving and keep breathing. Pranayama and meditation techniques should include meditation exercises like Swaas Dhyan and Siddhoham Kriya in your daily routine. Other pranayamas like Bhramari and Anulom-Vilom help in staying healthy during pregnancy.
4. Vrikshasana

Lay the mat and start with Samasthiti. While doing the yoga you have to place the right foot on the left inner thigh. In this, balance your entire weight on the left leg. Keep it as close to the pelvis as possible. Place the hands upwards in Pranam Mudra on the heart chakra. Look forward. Repeat this with the other leg as well. The upper part of the body should be absolutely straight.
5. Legs Up the Wall Pose

This is one of our favorite poses. It helps relieve pain and swelling around the ankles. It provides relief and improves blood circulation. You will find yourself resorting to this pose several times a day!
You can enjoy this pose as much as you want. In the later months of pregnancy, you may find it difficult to lie on your back. The mental and physical relaxation that this pose provides is amazing. Shavasana pose gives you new energy and your pregnancy days will become much more comfortable.
Yoga helps you get in touch with your body and stretches you to new limits. Your body is in a state like never before. By practicing yoga daily, you can adapt to your body's needs, making your pregnancy a comfortable process. This makes the delivery process easier as you can understand and fulfill your needs.
For personalized guidance on your pregnancy journey, including safe exercise routines, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sujit Shinde today.
Pregnancy is a beautiful process where a girl transforms into a mother. It is a huge change physically, emotionally and spiritually. Yoga and meditation lead to a beautiful path where you are sure to have a fulfilling pregnancy experience and a safe and comfortable delivery.
Understanding these early indicators allows women to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle, ensuring timely prenatal care and managing symptoms effectively. By staying attuned to their bodies and seeking guidance from healthcare providers when needed, women can navigate the early stages of pregnancy with confidence and anticipation for the exciting changes ahead.
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