The postpartum recovery phase begins after the baby is born. It ends after the mother has almost completely recovered from pregnancy and delivery. Usually, this time frame lasts from six to eight weeks.
During this phase, the mother experiences many physical, mental, and emotional changes and learns how to handle all the adaptations and changes that come with being a new mother. Similarly, parents must learn how to take care of their baby and adjust to life as a unit during the postpartum recovery phase.
A mother must take good care of herself to regain vitality. You need a lot of rest, a healthy diet, and support during the first few weeks.
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The postpartum recovery phase refers to the first six weeks after giving birth. Along with lots of joys, it is also a time of recovery for mothers. All women and newborns in India receive very good maternity care after the postpartum period. So, the mother can rest and spend time with her newborn after giving birth.
A new mother should stay in the house for about 40 days or 6 weeks. If women cannot care for themselves during this time, they can stay with their mothers. This is a good practice time for new mothers as they need motherhood and rest.
According to Ayurveda, a 5000-year-old Indian medical science, mothers' digestive systems are fragile during this time. Hence, simple, easily digestible foods are emphasised during this time. Warm oil massage should be a familiar daily routine for mothers. Additionally, they should be fed various herbal drinks and special foods to help their recovery, strengthen their immune system, and increase milk production.
How to take care of yourself at home during postpartum recovery?
After delivery, you can slowly resume normal activities. However, this period is meant for recovery and adjusting to life with a newborn.
It is important to remember that delivery requires your body to recover over time. Your body takes time to recover after any type of delivery, including a cesarean surgery (C-section).
Self-care may not seem like a big deal during the first month of living with a newborn, but it is very important. After giving birth, there are several things you should take care of to take care of your personal health. New mothers are prohibited from following certain restrictions during the Indian Postpartum Care recovery phase.
It is suggested that if a woman follows these tips, she will not face difficulties like backache, headaches, and general body pains in later life.
Mothers should stay warm and comfortable, away from AC and fans. There should be no noise, crying or fighting around. They should not do any kind of household work. Mothers should also rest when the baby is sleeping.
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Tips for taking care of yourself during postpartum recovery
Some tips for taking care of yourself after giving birth include:
1. Rest
Childbirth is a demanding process, and the hospital environment may not have been conducive to rest. It's crucial to seize every opportunity to rest during the initial weeks after giving birth. Try to sleep or rest when your baby is sleeping. This rest is not a luxury, but a necessity for your recovery. You'll feel rejuvenated after this rest.
2. Stay hydrated
Hydration is a key aspect of postpartum recovery. It's important to drink at least eight large glasses of water every day. Water, juice, and milk are all good options for staying hydrated. Remember, taking care of your own health is crucial for your baby's well-being too.
3. Take a walk
It's beneficial to get out of the house and exercise from time to time. After giving birth, walking is a simple way to start exercising again.
Take advice from your doctor about how to start new postpartum exercises safely. Take your time with the activity. Take a walk around your home. Changes in your surroundings can increase your energy.
4. Warming massage
A healthy diet is essential for postpartum recovery care. However, additional recovery regimens are essential in Indian culture. These women should receive daily warm oil massages. Sesame, coconut, olive and other nourishing oils should be used for the massage.
5. Covering the head
As part of Indian tradition, women should wear scarves on their heads the day after birth. A new mother has to maintain her body heat to recover as it is believed that the cold in the body settles mostly through the head. Therefore, it is believed that covering the head will protect you from colds and diseases.
6. Wash your hands
Wash your hands frequently. For example, wash your hands after using the toilet and after changing your baby's diaper and be sure to wash your hands before and after feeding them.
7. Care for your C-section scar
As your doctor advises, clean your C-section incision with soap and water once daily. Then dry thoroughly with a clean towel. Consult your doctor to determine whether covering the wound or keeping it open is better. Avoid lifting anything heavy, except for your baby, and postpone engaging in any activity until your doctor allows it.
8. Limit stair climbing
You should climb stairs sparingly or not at all during the first week. While you heal, try to minimise the number of times you go up and down stairs daily.
The Postpartum Care is a time of adjustment, healing, and joy. Every new mother’s experience is unique, and there is no right or wrong way to feel. Understanding what to expect and taking steps to care for yourself physically and emotionally will help you navigate this journey more confidently. Remember, asking for help and prioritising your well-being as you care for your newborn is okay.
Having a baby may change your routine and family structure, but you will get used to it. Your postpartum recovery phase is a phase of physical and mental changes that gradually get better. As the pain and discomfort associated with childbirth subside, you will have time to adjust. You will recover soon. While you are in this phase, enjoy this unique time with your newborn.
Also, remember that Dr Sujit Shinde is the best gynecologist in Warje. Get checked here for suitable consultation and patient care.
Understanding these early indicators allows women to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle, ensuring timely prenatal care and managing symptoms effectively. By staying attuned to their bodies and seeking guidance from healthcare providers when needed, women can navigate the early stages of pregnancy with confidence and anticipation for the exciting changes ahead.
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